We all trust our employees to be doing the important work that needs to get done for the organization without being distracted by non productive and time wasting websites. You may even have an end user policy all your employees agreed to. Unfortunately in this day and age, it's not even about just employee productivity. It's about safe surfing.
Our web content filtering solution not only blocks the obvious and traditional offensive and time wasting websites. But it can also help prevent accidentally accessing websites hosting malicious content that can result in your employee's computer being infected. Which is another important layer in your overall comprehensive layered security model.
When you sign up with Mobile Tech Shop’s web content filtering services, you can expect a system that will:
- Layered security model – This is one more brick in the wall of security you are building to protect your organization from online threats. By blocking sites that are known to cause malware infections, you reduce your overall threat landscape significantly! Prevention is a cure.
- Accountability – Finally you will have your say on what you don't want being done on your company's computers AND it will be enforced. Our new system allows employers to generate reports to see where employees are spending their time online. Access violation reports are also available to help ensure employees aren't trying to visit sites they shouldn't.
- Restrict access based on category – New websites crop up all the time. Our solution analyzes websites to determine if they should be blocked simply based on content found on the website being accessed. Set the categories you want blocked (pornography, file sharing, social media, violence, drugs, etc). Then analysis and the decision to grant or block access happens automatically.
- Granular control – If you know you don't want employees accessing specific websites, we can blacklist the site regardless if it is blocked automatically by category. Likewise if there's a site you rely on for business and never want it interfered with, we can whitelist any sites you use regularly.
Web security and implementing safe web browsing practices is key to reducing the chances that you will get infected with malware. With such dangerous malware lurking as banking trojans that steal your online banking and credit card information, and cryptoviral ransomware which encrypts your company data and holds it from you until a ransom is paid, it is critical now more than ever to enforce an effective web content filtering solution. Contact Mobile Tech Shop, LLC today and let us prove to you that our solution is extremely affordable and perfect for your needs.